
Performance by DGU AMOK
DGU performing Lines, at The Royal Danish Ballet School Summer Dance Performance, H.C. Andersen Flower Festival & The Royal Danish Ballet - Royal Summer Ballet

Description of the piece:
Lines is, among many things, an attempt at common control of society. It's the each, the whole, the when, the time. It is an intersection between the common goals and objectives of a group. Space where limits are drawn and not only impose behaviors, but also establish expectations. In addition to trying to break with the system in which we are inevitably involved, the work invites you to question: What Lines are you waiting for today?

Choreographer: Alessandro Sousa Pereira
Assistant choreographer: Caroline Rodrigues
Concept: Alessandro Sousa Pereira
Costume: Alessandro Sousa Pereira
Dancers: DGU Cast
Soundtrack: Alessandro Sousa Pereira and Sueli Matsuzaki
Producer: Odense Flower festival, The Royal Danish Ballet
Photos by Hyben Beck

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